We'd like to thank everyone who entered the 2012 South West Regional Awards and the winning images can be viewed below.
An enjoyable presentation lunch for the winners was held on Tuesday 19 March at The Fishermans Cot, Devon, and a special mention goes to Philip Bramhill LBIPP who was awarded South West Region Photographer of the Year 2012.
We hope all members in the South West Region will be inspired to enter this year's Awards and the call for entries will be announced shortly.
For more information on what's happening in the South West Region please visit www.bipp.com/southwest
Abstract Illustrative
Bronze: Philip Bramhill LBIPP - Trebarwith
Merit: Philip Bramhill LBIPP - Mill
Merit: Philip Bramhill LBIPP - No VAT
Bronze: Mitchell Duncan LBIPP - Mirdif Shopping Centre, Dubai
Merit: Mitchell Duncan LBIPP - 360 Degree Mall, Kuwait
Fashion & Beauty
Bronze: Marko Dutka FBIPP - Pretty Eccentric 1
Merit: Philip Bramhill LBIPP - Waterfall
Bronze: Nigel Hicks FBIPP - Trevose
Merit: Nigel Hicks FBIPP - Seafront
Merit: Jonathan Robinson-Pratt ABIPP - Exmouth Beach
Merit: Nigel Hicks FBIPP - Gullfoss
People & Portraiture
Silver: Philip Bramhill LBIPP - Murray
Silver: Rebecca Northway ABIPP - Freya
Bronze: Robert Frost LBIPP - Look At Me
Bronze: Guy Harrop LBIPP - Bubbles The Orphan
Bronze: Rebecca Northway ABIPP - Phoebe
Bronze: Guy Harrop LBIPP - Dutch Jacob
Merit: Robert Frost LBIPP - Catch Me
Merit: Suzi Allen LBIPP - Kaiser
Merit: Robert Frost LBIPP - Pug On A Chair
Merit: Rebecca Northway ABIPP - Molly
Merit: Robert Frost LBIPP - Cute Puppy
Bronze: Chris Hargreaves ABIPP - Protection
Bronze: Carolyn Oakley ABIPP - Army 2023
Bronze: Chris Hargreaves ABIPP - Calm Before The War
Bronze: Guy Harrop LBIPP - Silly Walking Festival
Bronze: Robert Frost LBIPP - 7 Images 3 Days Composition
Merit: Carolyn Oakley ABIPP - Army 2064
Merit: Nigel Hicks FBIPP - Saunton
Merit: Jonathan Robinson-Pratt ABIPP - Hydraulic Split Screen
Merit: Nigel Hicks FBIPP - Red Rock
Merit: Guy Harrop LBIPP - Medusa
Merit: Nigel Hicks FBIPP - Manila Sunset
Bronze: Graham Hiscock LBIPP - Musgrove Oak
Merit: Lee Hatherall LBIPP - The Mansion House
Merit: Graham Hiscock LBIPP - Dorset Romance
Merit: Graham Hiscock LBIPP - Kingston Seat
South West Region Photographer of the Year 2012
Philip Bramhill LBIPP - Murray
Please note copyright of images remains with the individual named photographers